BizTECH "Tech-Skills Training for Non-Techies" & BTSD - Business & Technology Skills Development Training Programs are uniquely designed for both Newbies to the world of computing technology, or for those who have a comfortable or advanced level of familiarity with business computing – BizTECH Level I Training Modules provide:
- Unlimited Access monthly to Online Work Tools & Training Resources;
- Focus-Training Sessions Scheduled to Your Convenience as available;
- Up to 10 hrs/mth. Hands-On & Tutor Supported Tech-Training;
- Access to Agency Portal for Online Training & Client Management;
- Access to In-House Computing & Training Resources & Special-Focus T3 Workshops at our Learning Resource Center (LRC).
⇒ Register Now & GET STARTED
This program is designed for Newbies to the Virtual Assistant (VA) world, as well as, those having a comfortable or advanced skills-level and familiarity with online business computing, to readily engage the VA Support and Business Environment.
Training Modules have been specially modified to navigate the challenging but opportunistic 2020 period . . . You may select Focus-Training Modules that you are most confident & comfortable with pursuing, or that best aligns with your professional interests. Your enrollment will include:
- Access to allocated Online Work Tools & Training Resources;
- Focus-Training Scheduled to Your Convenience as available;
- Up to 10 hrs/mth. Hands-On & Tutor Supported Tech-Training;
- Access to Agency Portal for Online Training & Client Management;
- Access to Training & Computing Resources & Special-Focus T3 (Tools, Tips & Tricks) Workshops.
Future-Proof Yourself for new career opportunities & achievement of your future goals REGISTER for BizTECH & BTSD - Business & Technology Skills Development Training Programs.
To Your Success
VAPS Training Academy